Monday 16 June 2008

Singer Watson getting radiotherapy

Opera singer Russell Watson has begun a course of radiotherapy for his brain tumour.
The 41-year-old's manager, Richard Thompson, said that Watson would undergo five days of radiotherapy every week for the next five weeks.
Watson underwent surgery to remove the tumour in October, his second operation on the tumour in 12 months.
Manager Thompson said: "He's in as good as spirits as anybody can be with that kind of journey ahead.
"The doctors are very cautious - they want to get to it but because it's near the optic nerve, they've got to be careful not to damage the eyesight."
Arriving at the Christie Hospital in Manchester yesterday, Watson said: "My throat feels OK. I feel a little bit tired.
"It takes a while to get your energy and stamina levels up again. It's been a strange new year, 2008, in for my radiotherapy on January 2."